Monday, September 21, 2009

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Replica of workers to the article published in La Stampa on 19/09/2009

In the article published on Saturday, September 19, 2009 in "La Stampa", a chronicle of Novara on the situation of workers of IAL Piemonte Novara emphasize that, for the workers, it is the position of the CISL to be the more problematic, as represented by the union Colzani in Novara, as owner of IAL Piemonte until June 3, 2009, is responsible for the situation in which they are employed today. We note the position of the CGIL, but we do not accept in any way that the ICFTU. Strikes us that the opposite of declaring Colzani that responded to our RSA, which ruled out the possibility to pay the most dramatic situations. There are two possibilities: either the Secretary responds differently depending on the interlocutor or has changed his mind. If so, we are pleased and look forward to official communication.

Autoconvocate The assembly of workers of IAL Piemonte - Novara when

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Replica CGIL di Novara article published in La Stampa on 19/09/2009

The Chief Editor of La Stampa Novara

I write about the article published on the pages of La Stampa Novara Saturday, September 19 with the title "IAL employees without pay. ..." A signature Cottavoz Barbara.

I understand that because of space rather than page layout may force you to resize interviews and statements, but I think unjustifiable cuts that completely distort the meaning of statements and I ask you therefore to publish these few lines of integration article in question . In

in question was completely omitted the part of my statement the need to finally reach an agreement so that, even in our province, the provision of advances to all those workers who, exactly how employees IAL, find themselves in difficult situations and are forced to wait months to receive what is theirs due.

The Unions are confederations in the middle of their demands to reach an agreement to that effect for almost a year and found in speakers, unlike what occurred in many other provinces, an incomprehensible attitude dilazionatorio least. Returning

article in question seems clear that this omission reduces the trade union character of the reflection and may also give rise to interpretations of little or no sensitivity to situations of workers in difficulty, but that they deserve and have always been all the attention.

In this respect I now want to inform you that he met Friday morning with a delegation of these workers to discuss their condition and, in a more than positive, I have assumed, among others, the commitment to check the margins of intervention in support of most dramatic with the involvement of the City, obtaining immediate, by the Mayor, and today, by the Councillor to the budget, positive feedback and attention, which I hope will allow the most desperate situations to stand up to the formalization of an agreement on the advances that now, contrary to what we read in the article, there appears to be.

Stressing therefore the need for such an agreement, which allows to successfully meet all situations of exclusion and / or suspension from job, we will act in this way to start the meeting on the subject convened by the Province to September 30.

Secretary General Chamber of Labour of Novara

Joseph Azzi

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Article on La Stampa published on 19/09/2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

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PRESS RELEASE : CISL ... and will always be alone! Letter

The August 31 2009. as employees of IAL Piemonte Novara , we sent a letter to the provincial secretary of the CGIL and CISL to remember what was our current situation, with particular reference to lost earnings in recent months, and asking the union to intervene economically to take care of the most dramatic situations in the payment of pending layoffs or salary. In short, we asked the opportunity to receive small loans for workers with difficulties in paying the mortgage payments or to get to the end of the month, with prayers to give us a reply within 10 September.

The secretary of the CGIL, Joseph Azzi, we replied that, while I understand our situation, can not give us yes for two reasons: lack of funds for this type of situation and the need to not create a precedent under the which then have to answer yes to all similar requests.

The secretary of the CISL, Colzani Carlo, which we had to solicit a response, announced to our RSA CISL that the categories are not willing to dedicate resources to this situation.

Noting the responses of the unions, the absence of political solutions (beyond the press releases) we decided to establish a common fund to tackle the most serious cases and to share the cost of this on ' example of the SOMS (workers' mutual aid society) of the nineteenth century. We are forced, against our will, to go back 150 years.

On the one hand, we know that, "technically," our request is not legitimate in the sense that the unions are not having to anticipate layoffs or having to make loans, and second, however, can not understand the attitude CISL Piedmont, who, having been responsible for the crisis IAL CISL Piemonte with the appointment of administrators (who should have and could control and direct), which created a debt of about EUR 15 million (bringing failure to the firm), he abandons to their fate cynically workers, whose present condition is responsible.

To add insult to injury, scopriamo con enorme stupore (grazie a una comunicazione del commissario straordinario alle RSA) che, senza alcuna vergogna, l’USR Cisl Piemonte, insieme con Ial Cisl Nazionale, si candida all’acquisto di Ial Cisl Piemonte in amministrazione straordinaria .

Tutto questo è coerente con i valori professati dalla Cisl?

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councilor Pentenero workers Ial

Saturday, August 1, 2009

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La Regione Piemonte , con un comunicato stampa del 29 July2009, announced the decision to "grant temporary accreditation body for its offices engaged in training, until the end of the special administration procedure.

This decision, welcomed as good news, spells, for now, the company insolvent and could ensure business continuity and continuity in training employees and pupils and students

The same press release stated, however, that the decision "could" permettere allo Ial Cisl di riavviare i corsi di formazione già a partire dal prossimo settembre. Il condizionale è dovuto ad alcune “prescrizioni” che Ial Cisl dovrà rispettare, pena la sospensione dell’accreditamento temporaneo.

Le prescrizioni sono:

· entro il prossimo 10 settembre 2009 dovranno concludersi tutte le verifiche sulle rendicontazioni relative agli anni formativi passati;

· entro novembre 2009, poi, dovrà essere presentato alla Regione un programma corporate reorganization, which shows the conditions necessary to enable the Region to issue new public funding for future training courses;

· requires the presentation of an offer to purchase, binding and suitably securities, corporate complexes IAL Piedmont by 10/09/2009.

for us to work these "requirements" are difficult to interpret. We do not know, that is, if IAL will be able to respect them all and if you can continue the training activity. It seems clear, however, che la Regione Piemonte stia esprimendo, anche in questo provvedimento, la necessità di una forte discontinuità con la gestione precedente, in quanto “le anomalie dei conti, relativi al pagamento di tasse e obblighi contributivi all’Inps, e la mancanza di requisiti di affidabilità economico-finanziaria, avevano costretto nei mesi scorsi la Regione a presentare un esposto alla Procura della Repubblica e alla Corte dei Conti per danno erariale”.

Rimangono valide pertanto (almeno fino al 10 settembre), tutte le preoccupazioni espresse dai lavoratori nella “lettera aperta alla comunità novarese”. Meanwhile

have not yet changed the conditions of workers as regards wages: after receiving notice of suspension in redundancy fund to zero hours and zero earnings until September 5, workers still do not receive back wages and do not know if it will be possible in advance of layoffs, as it is happening in other areas (eg city of Turin). At this point, the provincial councilor to work Oliviero Giuseppe Colombo, during a meeting with representatives of workers, announced that the provincial government is working so that we can advance Novara also for the workers, through an agreement with a bank, but not earlier than September.
The commissioner has also made available to assess any possible solutions as possible to preserve the social value produced by IAL Novara, when the extraordinary administration does not lead to a supply company. Should this occur, however, to date, there are concrete cases of solution that may agree with the time required by the announcements and the needs imposed by the training, particularly that relating to compulsory education.

Workers of IAL Piemonte - Arona Novara and venues

Friday, July 31, 2009

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full release of the regional social partners

the region grants temporary accreditation body training IAL

Following the decision of the Court of Turin to grant extraordinary items to IAL, the vocational training scheme of the CISL, the Region, in today's meeting of the Board, assessed the existence of legal and technical requirements, the institution decided to grant temporary accreditation for its offices that perform training until the end of the special administration procedure.

A decision, this, which might Ial allow the restart of their training as early as next September and then could ensure business continuity to its faculty and staff.
But this is a mandate that includes certain requirements that must strictly follow the Ial: by next September 10, 2009 will have completed all the checks on the statements relating to the formative years past. By November 2009, then it should be submitted to the Region a program of corporate reorganization, which shows the conditions necessary to enable the Region to issue new public funding for future training courses, then it requires the submission of an offer to purchase binding security and reasonable levels of the complex business IAL Piemonte by 10/09/2009.
If these requirements are not met within the time specified, we will arrange for the temporary suspension of accreditation.
anomalies of accounts relating to the payment of taxes and tax obligations, INPS, and the lack of reliable economic and financial requirements, in recent months had forced the region to submit a complaint to the Public Prosecutor and the Court of Accounts loss of revenue. Hence the suspension of any type of public funding for training and accreditation process.

"Without the duties and rituals controls in the interests of proper functioning of the education system - said the Minister of Education Gianna Pentenero - and after finding anomalies in payments, it was our duty to highlight items in our view unlawful, suspending all economic support to the IAL. We are now ready to grant temporary conditional accreditation.
probably by November, you will already have the revolving fund for the support of the training agencies, as required by the amendment adopted today in the Regional Council. A fund designed and built by the representatives of the table of institutional crisis for the entire system of vocational training, istituitosi in recent months. It is then trade unions and parties and social institutions - concluded the commissioner - to decide on how educational institutions will have access to these resources. The goal is actually to develop and offer economic, financial and structural support designed to improve vocational training and Piedmont. "

July 29, 2009 19:14

Friday, July 24, 2009

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to the regional secretariats
and Provincial delle OO.SS
I lavoratori dello IAL CISL PIEMONTE della Provincia di Novara hanno deciso di autoconvocarsi in risposta alla carenze espresse dalle parti sociali, hanno ritenuto opportuno intervenire direttamente e unitariamente per far fronte alla situazione di crisi dello IAL CISL PIEMONTE.
Dal mese di ottobre 2008 ad oggi gli incontri che si sono svolti con le parti sociali e i dipendenti IAL CISL PIEMONTE della Provincia di Novara e Arona:

● non hanno prodotto chiarezza
● non hanno offerto risposte concrete
● non hanno fatto emergere un piano di intervento
● non hanno generato speranze
● non hanno sbloccato la situazione di crisi che negli last days (from admission to the judicial administration procedure giugno2009 3) worsened ulteriolmente
● evidienziato not have the difference between the social partners themselves
● did not offer added value or respect to the information required either in relation to the intervention strategy
● have created more confusion and bitterness among workers

Workers of IAL PIEMONTE when Arona Novara and Autoconvocate have decided to give voice to the crisis situation, to make known to the local community silenzionasamente the damage that is being produced to raise awareness institutions to take charge of the situation. The first concrete action
dei lavoratori di IAL CISL PIEMONTE della Provincia di Novara è stata quella di indire una conferenza stampa.
I sindacati in questo momento di grave difficoltà non ci hanno supportati. I lavoratori si aspettavano una maggiore presa di posizione ma soprattutto un intervento concreto per poter garantire il proseguo delle attività formative.
Nel comunicato del 30 aprile i sindacati hanno chiesto ai lavoratori di non fermare le attività evitando un crollo definitivo della situazione.
I lavoratori hanno risposto diligentemente alla richiesta concludendo l’anno formativo e gli esami di qualifica.
Il nostro sapere ci insegna che i sindacati nascono in difesa dei lavoratori, nascono per rafforzare i diritti dei lavoratori, hanno ragione di esistere perché si occupano/preoccpuano dei lavoratori, soprattutto di quelli in grave difficoltà.
Parecchi lavoratori delle sedi di Novara e Arona sono iscritti ai sindacati, e nonostante il malcontento e la difficoltà di questa situazione non intendono ritirare le tessere né rifiutare la motivazione ideologica dell’iscrizione.
I lavoratori autoconvocati chiedono semplicemente un intervento immediato laddove la situazione di crisi assume un peso significativo nell’economia della famiglia.
Dal 21 maggio i lavoratori dipendenti di IAL CISL PIEMONTE di tutte le sedi non percepiscono lo stipendio.
Oggi 22 luglio 2009 stiamo attendendo la mensilità di giugno (non ancora recepita).

I lavoratori fear
* non-delivery of the monthly in June,
* The monthly non-delivery in July,
* the failure to provide the withholding agent,
* the inability to resume training in September 2009.

Workers at the headquarters of the utmost importance quantocitato IAL Novara by law 328/00 "Framework Law for the implementation of the integrated system of assistance and social services"
* Article 1, paragraph 1.
The Republic guarantees to individuals and families an integrated system of assistance and social services, promote staff to ensure the quality of life, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and rights of citizens, prevent, eliminate or reduce the conditions of disability, need and individual and family distress resulting from inadequate income, social difficulties and conditions of non-autonomy, in keeping with articles 2, 3:38 * of the Constitution Article 1, paragraph 6.
This law promotes the active participation of citizens, the contribution of trade unions, associations and social protection of users to achieve the aims of the institution referred to in paragraph 1 -
We look forward to your feedback celerissimo.

Novara, July 23, 2009

Workers IAL Novara Province

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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Letter for Press Conference of workers of IAL Novara, Arona

representatives of a workers' Autoconvocate of IAL Piemonte, Novara, Arona offices have met with journalists to inform the community about the grave crisis which is affecting the vocational training scheme in Piedmont. After reading the open letter to the community Novara "disclosed the news arrived: there will be layoffs came the decree that allows IAL Piemonte extraordinary administration.
workers have reported two requests:
  • since the liquidity crisis due to non-payment province (for failure to revoke the suspension of accreditation by the Regione Piemonte) is likely to blow up the whole process, calling for the CISL intervene to remedy the lack of liquidity of the institution to keep faith with the commitments made by the Secretary-regional the letter sent to employees at the beginning of academic year. Workers have completed all activities as required despite the material difficulties and despite the failure to pay. Now it's up to the "old" property do something
  • a meeting with the prefect, mayor and president of the Province of Novara ipotizzino solutions that will maintain the services in the event of failure of IAL.

Press conference of workers IAL Novara and from Arona Workers Ial on Vimeo .

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Open Letter to the community Novara

Open Letter to the community Novara

to representatives of some institutions,

Representatives of the world entrepreneurial

To the representatives of social partners,

Civil society,



The IAL Piemonte, historical institution vocational training, is going through a serious crisis, which, consequently, also involves two sites in our province, in the city of Novara, Arona.

We believe that the community we belong to, and in which we work, is not sufficiently informed on what's going on. The purpose of this letter is just to begin to remedy this lack, so as to cause discussion, interest, debate and, more importantly, possible solutions to public and transparent.

Novara We address the whole community because we believe that the professionalism of workers and services provided (40 years) are a common good for our area and, as such, should be protected. We believe that, if they fail, we would be facing a depletion of the entire community for not produced in terms of social utility:

job opportunities for employees and

into the world of work by adolescents who attend our training courses (80-90% of compulsory education)

strong focus on pathways to integration and social inclusion for those groups considered "weak"

continuity training in certain sectors

results in the formation of the figures of social and health sector


training for the unemployed

continuous training of employees

Only during the last academic year, activities related to the compulsory education, the premises of IAL Novara have received about 250 students (of which 30% are foreigners), leading to professional qualification 80 boys and girls in several areas: mechanical, heating and plumbing, hairdressing room and bar.

All these things are likely to disappear, along with the value they bring to the community Novara.

We want to provide some elements to better understand the situation in question, which is very complex for both the number of players involved and for the peculiarities laws and regulations of interest:

employees, about 30 in our province (250 in the whole region), receive no salary from May 2009 (salary April) and many employees must receive pay for years of work

Dozens of courses starting in September are at risk, with negative consequences for hundreds of students, including adolescents in compulsory education who have already undertaken in previous years a multi-year vocational training course; girls and boys who often have already accumulated experiences at school with a bankruptcy or family background and social difficult

The ordinary court of Turin - the sixth civil division - pursuant to Decree No. 270/1999 (also known as Prodi bis), declared a state of insolvency of IAL Piemonte ( Judgement No. 1 / 2009 of 3 June 2009) "in view of the substantial indebtedness, the balance sheet as of 31/12/2008, which shows a negative equity amounted to € 14,984,087.00, assuming the IAL Piemonte the special administration and appointed a judicial commissioner in the person Att. Antonio D'Addario

The state of crisis was first announced at the beginning of training, which elected the new CEO of IAL Piemonte, Giovanni Marchionni. In the same period, all employees have received a letter in which they were asked to maintain confidence in the entity and to engage as much as possible to ensure that activities continue beyond the training difficulty. Even the trade unions, as a unit, (FLC CGIL, CISL and UIL School and School Snals Confsal) urged the workers not to interrupt the activity (release of April 30, 2009).

As workers we met all its commitments, even at times when we were not recognized due pay, ending all activities regularly, despite the serious shortcomings in terms of material resources and lack of clear communication on the present situation and, most importantly, future prospects .

In recent months, admission to extraordinary administration procedure has been presented as the solution to the problems of the institution, because, as is actually required by law, has the purpose of conservation of heritage ' institution and continuation or conversion of business; admission would allow Piedmont to revoke the suspension of accreditation (effective 23/03/2009), the institution to continue its operations and of the judicial process by completing the sale or restructuring of ' business.

These days, however, we realized that this is not granted and that there are many "obstacles" that may block the whole process and bring the company into bankruptcy. The Piedmont Region, for example, has not yet lifted the suspension of accreditation, the salary for the month of June, despite an initial communication Commissioner's court, has not been paid.

It is not clear to us workers, as the Commissioner intends to meet the needs of liquidity necessary to support the ordinary activities, including the disbursement of salaries.

We call on all relevant institutions to do everything possible to ensure that this story has a positive outcome: the Piedmont Region to protect the work of over 250 people in recent years have contributed to the growth of the system Training Piedmontese Province of Novara administration to investigate the situation of IAL Novara and safeguard the social workers and utility produced for our community.

ask journalists and all those working in the field to give maximum emphasis to this matter.

Hopefully we can continue to do our work always inspired by the values \u200b\u200bof the centrality of the person, the diffusion of knowledge, the right to employment, social integration and solidarity.

Novara, July 21, 2009 Workers in offices

IAL Novara and Arona


Aloe Mauritius, Black White, Bozzola Valeria, Angela Bell, Sara Cimarolli, Dura Milena, Ilaria Ferrero, Fonio Tiziana, Francesca Gambaro, Gie Lorenzo, Impaloni Elijah Ismelli James Luzzana Alberto Martelli Miriam, Montesanti Dominic Pollastro John, Reino Miranda, Patricia Ridoni, Domenico Rossi, Giuseppe Rossi, Tamagnini David Teruggi Christian Enrico Verona, Luisa Wet, Bath Laura, Galeazzi Ilaria, Anna Fasoli, Zonca Laura, Lara Bordin, Valentini Elisabeth, Preti Icarus

Monday, July 20, 2009

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Presidio in Turin in front of the prefecture

Event IAL / CSEA 13/07/2009 from AlluvioneMediatica on Vimeo .

Tanning Outside Do You Have To Wear Goggles When


Workers of IAL Novara and Arona, vocational training agencies, convened a press conference with the aim of info MRAR public opinion about the Novara crisis that is affecting the IAL PIEMONTE And, consequently, the two offices in our province.

employees, between about 30 and Arona Novara, receive no salary from May 10, 2009 (salary April) and many employees must receive pay for years of work.

Dozens of courses starting in September are at risk, with negative consequences for hundreds of students, including adolescents in compulsory education who have already undertaken in previous years a course of many years of training.

We believe that professionalism workers and services provided (40 years) are a common good for our area and, as such, should be protected.

The press conference will be held Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 16:30 at our headquarters in South Via Monte San Gabriele No. 50/aa Novara.

The assembly of workers and Arona Novara Autoconvocate

For info: lavoratori.ial @

Can You Fly With An Inner Ear

press conference Summary of the actions of the Assembly Autoconvocate workers IAL PIEMONTE when Arona Novara and

In November 2008, discussions are meeting to deal with the crisis situation that was opening a meeting by announcing which produced a written document (attached) seeking clarification with respect to the scenarios that were opening. The document was presented at a meeting called by the CGIL in Alexandria.

In July 2009 the Assembly met again to denounce the lack of clarity with respect to the intervention strategy of the unions, to address the crisis situation that has worsened ulteriolemnte: no salary May 2009 (month of April) , block party accreditation of the Piedmont Region, lack of planning and design del futuro anno formativo 2009/2010.

L’assemblea dei lavoratori ha deciso di indire una conferenza stampa avvenuta il 21 luglio alle ore 16.30 presso la sede del Quartiere Sud della città di Novara. Nella conferenza stampa è stato letto un documento (in allegato), sono state fatte richieste concrete:

* incontro con le parti istituzionali della città di Novara per capire quali pressioni si possono mettere in atto per far fronte alla crisi dei lavoratori e per ipotizzare una strategia di intervento rivolta alle famiglie dei ragazzi iscritti presso la sede di IAL CISL PIEMONTE (Arona and Novara)

* action by the ICFTU to overcome the lack of liquidity "temporary" in anticipation of the fee paid for the months of June and July