Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sm Ent Online Audition

Open Letter to the community Novara

Open Letter to the community Novara

to representatives of some institutions,

Representatives of the world entrepreneurial

To the representatives of social partners,

Civil society,



The IAL Piemonte, historical institution vocational training, is going through a serious crisis, which, consequently, also involves two sites in our province, in the city of Novara, Arona.

We believe that the community we belong to, and in which we work, is not sufficiently informed on what's going on. The purpose of this letter is just to begin to remedy this lack, so as to cause discussion, interest, debate and, more importantly, possible solutions to public and transparent.

Novara We address the whole community because we believe that the professionalism of workers and services provided (40 years) are a common good for our area and, as such, should be protected. We believe that, if they fail, we would be facing a depletion of the entire community for not produced in terms of social utility:

job opportunities for employees and

into the world of work by adolescents who attend our training courses (80-90% of compulsory education)

strong focus on pathways to integration and social inclusion for those groups considered "weak"

continuity training in certain sectors

results in the formation of the figures of social and health sector


training for the unemployed

continuous training of employees

Only during the last academic year, activities related to the compulsory education, the premises of IAL Novara have received about 250 students (of which 30% are foreigners), leading to professional qualification 80 boys and girls in several areas: mechanical, heating and plumbing, hairdressing room and bar.

All these things are likely to disappear, along with the value they bring to the community Novara.

We want to provide some elements to better understand the situation in question, which is very complex for both the number of players involved and for the peculiarities laws and regulations of interest:

employees, about 30 in our province (250 in the whole region), receive no salary from May 2009 (salary April) and many employees must receive pay for years of work

Dozens of courses starting in September are at risk, with negative consequences for hundreds of students, including adolescents in compulsory education who have already undertaken in previous years a multi-year vocational training course; girls and boys who often have already accumulated experiences at school with a bankruptcy or family background and social difficult

The ordinary court of Turin - the sixth civil division - pursuant to Decree No. 270/1999 (also known as Prodi bis), declared a state of insolvency of IAL Piemonte ( Judgement No. 1 / 2009 of 3 June 2009) "in view of the substantial indebtedness, the balance sheet as of 31/12/2008, which shows a negative equity amounted to € 14,984,087.00, assuming the IAL Piemonte the special administration and appointed a judicial commissioner in the person Att. Antonio D'Addario

The state of crisis was first announced at the beginning of training, which elected the new CEO of IAL Piemonte, Giovanni Marchionni. In the same period, all employees have received a letter in which they were asked to maintain confidence in the entity and to engage as much as possible to ensure that activities continue beyond the training difficulty. Even the trade unions, as a unit, (FLC CGIL, CISL and UIL School and School Snals Confsal) urged the workers not to interrupt the activity (release of April 30, 2009).

As workers we met all its commitments, even at times when we were not recognized due pay, ending all activities regularly, despite the serious shortcomings in terms of material resources and lack of clear communication on the present situation and, most importantly, future prospects .

In recent months, admission to extraordinary administration procedure has been presented as the solution to the problems of the institution, because, as is actually required by law, has the purpose of conservation of heritage ' institution and continuation or conversion of business; admission would allow Piedmont to revoke the suspension of accreditation (effective 23/03/2009), the institution to continue its operations and of the judicial process by completing the sale or restructuring of ' business.

These days, however, we realized that this is not granted and that there are many "obstacles" that may block the whole process and bring the company into bankruptcy. The Piedmont Region, for example, has not yet lifted the suspension of accreditation, the salary for the month of June, despite an initial communication Commissioner's court, has not been paid.

It is not clear to us workers, as the Commissioner intends to meet the needs of liquidity necessary to support the ordinary activities, including the disbursement of salaries.

We call on all relevant institutions to do everything possible to ensure that this story has a positive outcome: the Piedmont Region to protect the work of over 250 people in recent years have contributed to the growth of the system Training Piedmontese Province of Novara administration to investigate the situation of IAL Novara and safeguard the social workers and utility produced for our community.

ask journalists and all those working in the field to give maximum emphasis to this matter.

Hopefully we can continue to do our work always inspired by the values \u200b\u200bof the centrality of the person, the diffusion of knowledge, the right to employment, social integration and solidarity.

Novara, July 21, 2009 Workers in offices

IAL Novara and Arona


Aloe Mauritius, Black White, Bozzola Valeria, Angela Bell, Sara Cimarolli, Dura Milena, Ilaria Ferrero, Fonio Tiziana, Francesca Gambaro, Gie Lorenzo, Impaloni Elijah Ismelli James Luzzana Alberto Martelli Miriam, Montesanti Dominic Pollastro John, Reino Miranda, Patricia Ridoni, Domenico Rossi, Giuseppe Rossi, Tamagnini David Teruggi Christian Enrico Verona, Luisa Wet, Bath Laura, Galeazzi Ilaria, Anna Fasoli, Zonca Laura, Lara Bordin, Valentini Elisabeth, Preti Icarus


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