Monday, July 20, 2009

Tanning Outside Do You Have To Wear Goggles When


Workers of IAL Novara and Arona, vocational training agencies, convened a press conference with the aim of info MRAR public opinion about the Novara crisis that is affecting the IAL PIEMONTE And, consequently, the two offices in our province.

employees, between about 30 and Arona Novara, receive no salary from May 10, 2009 (salary April) and many employees must receive pay for years of work.

Dozens of courses starting in September are at risk, with negative consequences for hundreds of students, including adolescents in compulsory education who have already undertaken in previous years a course of many years of training.

We believe that professionalism workers and services provided (40 years) are a common good for our area and, as such, should be protected.

The press conference will be held Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 16:30 at our headquarters in South Via Monte San Gabriele No. 50/aa Novara.

The assembly of workers and Arona Novara Autoconvocate

For info: lavoratori.ial @


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