Friday, July 31, 2009

Lakme Cosmetics With Rate

full release of the regional social partners

the region grants temporary accreditation body training IAL

Following the decision of the Court of Turin to grant extraordinary items to IAL, the vocational training scheme of the CISL, the Region, in today's meeting of the Board, assessed the existence of legal and technical requirements, the institution decided to grant temporary accreditation for its offices that perform training until the end of the special administration procedure.

A decision, this, which might Ial allow the restart of their training as early as next September and then could ensure business continuity to its faculty and staff.
But this is a mandate that includes certain requirements that must strictly follow the Ial: by next September 10, 2009 will have completed all the checks on the statements relating to the formative years past. By November 2009, then it should be submitted to the Region a program of corporate reorganization, which shows the conditions necessary to enable the Region to issue new public funding for future training courses, then it requires the submission of an offer to purchase binding security and reasonable levels of the complex business IAL Piemonte by 10/09/2009.
If these requirements are not met within the time specified, we will arrange for the temporary suspension of accreditation.
anomalies of accounts relating to the payment of taxes and tax obligations, INPS, and the lack of reliable economic and financial requirements, in recent months had forced the region to submit a complaint to the Public Prosecutor and the Court of Accounts loss of revenue. Hence the suspension of any type of public funding for training and accreditation process.

"Without the duties and rituals controls in the interests of proper functioning of the education system - said the Minister of Education Gianna Pentenero - and after finding anomalies in payments, it was our duty to highlight items in our view unlawful, suspending all economic support to the IAL. We are now ready to grant temporary conditional accreditation.
probably by November, you will already have the revolving fund for the support of the training agencies, as required by the amendment adopted today in the Regional Council. A fund designed and built by the representatives of the table of institutional crisis for the entire system of vocational training, istituitosi in recent months. It is then trade unions and parties and social institutions - concluded the commissioner - to decide on how educational institutions will have access to these resources. The goal is actually to develop and offer economic, financial and structural support designed to improve vocational training and Piedmont. "

July 29, 2009 19:14


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