Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Shave Your Vag And Breast

PRESS RELEASE : CISL ... and will always be alone! Letter

The August 31 2009. as employees of IAL Piemonte Novara , we sent a letter to the provincial secretary of the CGIL and CISL to remember what was our current situation, with particular reference to lost earnings in recent months, and asking the union to intervene economically to take care of the most dramatic situations in the payment of pending layoffs or salary. In short, we asked the opportunity to receive small loans for workers with difficulties in paying the mortgage payments or to get to the end of the month, with prayers to give us a reply within 10 September.

The secretary of the CGIL, Joseph Azzi, we replied that, while I understand our situation, can not give us yes for two reasons: lack of funds for this type of situation and the need to not create a precedent under the which then have to answer yes to all similar requests.

The secretary of the CISL, Colzani Carlo, which we had to solicit a response, announced to our RSA CISL that the categories are not willing to dedicate resources to this situation.

Noting the responses of the unions, the absence of political solutions (beyond the press releases) we decided to establish a common fund to tackle the most serious cases and to share the cost of this on ' example of the SOMS (workers' mutual aid society) of the nineteenth century. We are forced, against our will, to go back 150 years.

On the one hand, we know that, "technically," our request is not legitimate in the sense that the unions are not having to anticipate layoffs or having to make loans, and second, however, can not understand the attitude CISL Piedmont, who, having been responsible for the crisis IAL CISL Piemonte with the appointment of administrators (who should have and could control and direct), which created a debt of about EUR 15 million (bringing failure to the firm), he abandons to their fate cynically workers, whose present condition is responsible.

To add insult to injury, scopriamo con enorme stupore (grazie a una comunicazione del commissario straordinario alle RSA) che, senza alcuna vergogna, l’USR Cisl Piemonte, insieme con Ial Cisl Nazionale, si candida all’acquisto di Ial Cisl Piemonte in amministrazione straordinaria .

Tutto questo รจ coerente con i valori professati dalla Cisl?


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