Monday, July 20, 2009

Can You Fly With An Inner Ear

press conference Summary of the actions of the Assembly Autoconvocate workers IAL PIEMONTE when Arona Novara and

In November 2008, discussions are meeting to deal with the crisis situation that was opening a meeting by announcing which produced a written document (attached) seeking clarification with respect to the scenarios that were opening. The document was presented at a meeting called by the CGIL in Alexandria.

In July 2009 the Assembly met again to denounce the lack of clarity with respect to the intervention strategy of the unions, to address the crisis situation that has worsened ulteriolemnte: no salary May 2009 (month of April) , block party accreditation of the Piedmont Region, lack of planning and design del futuro anno formativo 2009/2010.

L’assemblea dei lavoratori ha deciso di indire una conferenza stampa avvenuta il 21 luglio alle ore 16.30 presso la sede del Quartiere Sud della città di Novara. Nella conferenza stampa è stato letto un documento (in allegato), sono state fatte richieste concrete:

* incontro con le parti istituzionali della città di Novara per capire quali pressioni si possono mettere in atto per far fronte alla crisi dei lavoratori e per ipotizzare una strategia di intervento rivolta alle famiglie dei ragazzi iscritti presso la sede di IAL CISL PIEMONTE (Arona and Novara)

* action by the ICFTU to overcome the lack of liquidity "temporary" in anticipation of the fee paid for the months of June and July


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