Friday, February 25, 2011

Tapety Z Hanny Montany

Violence against children

Children abandoned in the streets, starving, enslaved, working fifteen hours a day serving multinationals, killed, massacred, killed, abused, exploited da clan criminali ,mandati al fronte come soldati: si tratta di orrori cui la coscienza occidentale  non resta insensibile, contro i quali si lotta spesso purtroppo senza la necessaria efficacia e perseveranza.
-BAMBINI ABBANDONATI:  p urtroppo gli abbandoni sono sempre tanti, troppi.   L'abbandono dei neonati
 è un fenomeno antichissimo. Esso era ampiamente utilizzato in alcune società antiche. Per esempio,  nella società dell'antica Roma il 20%-40% the children were abandoned, while in ancient Greece, the percentage at 10% s'attestava . At the time the children were raised by slave traders who, having entrusted to a nurse, sold her child when it was able to work.
-CHILDREN DIE OF HUNGER: S ono well educated children who die of hunger: do not speak with his mouth full. Not speracano their bread. Do not play with the bread to make it
balls. They do not say "I do not like." Do not complain when you are removing a plate. Do not cry for candy.
not discard parts of the ham.
to have their meal, they wait patiently.
-CHILD SOLDIERS: Children, bought or kidnapped, enslaved and trained to the sound of blows, to beg and steal: this odious "tradition "Gypsies are not lost in our day, as demonstrated by the latest police operations, including one carried out yesterday in Naples in a Roma camp on the outskirts of the city.
Furthermore, children who are within the same family, who appear to abuse children, which affect us less because they may be less severe and most common: children living in family environments degraded, or dragging their days in solitude indifference of adults, taken only from their problems and their self-esteem, and finally children deprived of their childhood, overly accountable to parents who see them as a mere projection of their desires.
Children are not things. They have rights. In any society, children represent innocence and the future.
Children need to be loved, to play, to grow in harmony, to learn. Only in this way potranno perdonarci e costruire un mondo migliore.


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