Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Make A Fast Toboggan

Internet and its dangers!

Internet, a new world where no one can help it meno.Sempre most frequent new users approach the virtual world not paying attention to the many dangers that can comportare.Internet is not just a game or a pass time but connects us all over the world so that news come from everywhere, is also useful for thousands of people who do their work through it. Founded as a military application and spread then as a communication tool between scientists from U.S. universities, the Internet has become a permanent member in the last ten years of our daily existence. On the net you can find child pornography, terrorists, fanatics, drug smugglers and crooks of every stripe who will find certainly the most effective technology support that makes their propositi.Sul must pay particular attention to web sites require the inclusion of the telephone number of the code of your credit card information or personali.Non know who is behind any screen and not even know his intentions but often, people naive trust falls into serious risks as a fraud on line.Alcune people have turned to the police or television programs such as 'Reservoir Dogs' and 'Strip the News' and it is thanks to them that some of these scams have been averted. Often behind these scams are hiding criminals or computer experts.
But the Net also has some interesting potential for progressive, democratic, liberating and this is the main reason for its spread should be increased so widespread throughout the world.
Internet also facilitates the exchange of goods, messages, but also can get information about what cultura.Chiunque particularly want to know the total libertà.In this virtual world there are many social networks, a more widespread and Facebook.
Facebook is a social platform that lets you connect with your friends anywhere in the mondo.Se first we met in person in small communities or rural district, today we "met" virtually on the Web , without leaving casa.Anche if social integration in the old way is still possible, that online is more popolare.Internet is full of millions of individuals seeking to meet other people to develop friendships e rapporti d'affare. Ed è proprio quando si cercano nuove amicizie che si incorre nel rischio di trovare pedofili alla ricerca delle loro vittime.Maggiormente sono le ragazze ad incorrere in questi rischi.Il troppo utilizzo di questi social network può comportate non solo dipendenza ma anche alla depressione delle menti dei giovani portandoli anche al completo isolamento dai propri coetanei.


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