Friday, February 25, 2011

Fun Stuff To Put In A Wedding Program

Mounted Police

La Polizia a cavallo può vantare una lunga tradizione storica; è infatti il più antico Reparto organico ad inquadramento diretto della Polizia.
La sua storia si snoda attraverso le più importanti vicende del nostro Paese e l'origine stessa rimanda addirittura company to Giuseppe Garibaldi.
followed a period of consolidation and Regulatory Poli distance Cavallo in Sicily, until the adoption of the RD 27 March 1877, and the adoption of uniform Risorgimento.
The two world wars and the resulting social transformations
would drastically curtail the body, so that after the war he remained active in the last one squadron of Public Safety at Horse Guards, based in Rome and a party in Naples.
This Squadron was elevated to the rank of first group and then to the Group, to the granting in 1965 of the National Banner, which is still kept at the Command Centre for the Coordination of services Horse of the State Police.
How to become an agent on horseback

Aspiring riders are chosen among those belonging to the body of the State Police who have not passed the age of 35 and with at least two years of actual service.
Selection shall be based on some important requirements such as medical certification, gymnastic-athletic skills and interaction with the horse, but also based on some preferred securities submitted with the application such as, for example, the license the patent to be a knight or instructor.
Il punteggio complessivo con il quale ciascuno degli aspiranti cavalieri viene inserito nella graduatoria è quindi stabilito dai titoli. A parità di punteggio, la precedenza viene data ai più giovani di età.
I candidati giudicati idonei vengono ammessi alla frequenza del corso di specializzazione. Durante le lezioni i futuri cavalieri approfondiscono la teoria e la pratica dell'equitazione e le norme di primo soccorso fino ad apprendere le tecniche di allevamento e di addestramento dei cavalli.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

La  Régia Canadian Mounted Police (in French : Gendarmerie royale du Canada in English : Royal Canadian Mounted Police ) was established in ; 1872 by order of the Colonel Patrick Robertson Ross, who proposed the creation of a military horse in who patrol the region of the great prairies West of Canada immense domain of the British Commonwealth . In an informal body of this animal is called Mounties.
time the region was still frontier land, the few whites who settled struggle to find an effective partnership with the Indian tribes that inhabited those lands for centuries. Moreover, even the actual Canadian sovereignty over that area was at the time the formal status and, therefore, the expansionist aims of the United States with respect to these territories were anything but veiled. There were in fact the continuous incursions by hunters, merchants and adventurers of all kinds from the United States, which had even begun to put the permanent settlements, such as fortified towns and villages where waving the Stars and Stripes. One of these settlements was Fort Whoop-up, where he concentrated a large group of American adventurers (especially trafficking of alcohol and hunting of wolves and bison), which in a short time made it more sour the relationship with the local tribes nativoamericane , quickly becoming a real thorn in the side for the Canadian government.
was just following the massacre of some nativoamericani of the Assiniboine tribe, which occurred in 1873 in a place called Cypress Hills, between the Alberta and Saskatchewan, by a band of hunters from Fort Whoop-up, the Canadian prime minister, John A. Macdonald, decided to take up the proposal of Colonel Robertson-Ross and set up a body of mounted police which operated in the western territories of Canada, especially in order to avoid an Indian war caused by the continuous incursions of adventurers "Yankees."
The new body, which was small number to prevent the establishment of a large unit on the border with the U.S. could be interpreted by them as a provocation, was equipped with a uniform with red jacket, I wore the same color at the time 'Her Majesty's army. The first official name assigned to the new police force, consisting of little more than three hundred units, was North-West Mounted Police (Mounted Police in the north-west), but soon became as famous as its members " Mounties "or as" red-coats "(red jackets). The NWMP
quickly became the symbol of the English crown in the huge territori di quella parte del Canada, dove i componenti di questo corpo scelto, per quanto limitato numericamente, assolsero un ruolo fondamentale per la colonizzazione dell’ovest canadese. Essi, in effetti, non furono solo la  longa manus  armata del potere costituito, ma amministrarono direttamente la giustizia nei reati minori, e soprattutto si frapposero, quale autorevole cuscinetto, fra gli attori principali di una non facile convivenza: indiani e coloni bianchi.
Ai giorni nostri la denominazione ufficiale del corpo della polizia a cavallo canadese è  Royal Canadian Mounted Police  (RCMP) and a police force in modern and highly specialized military status, without having given up none of its centuries-old tradition. Even today, in fact, the Mount, with its famous red jacket with its distinctive circular-brimmed hat on, remains one of Canada's best known symbols in the world.


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