Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saving Bonds Interest From 1991


My arms ...

gradually became more and more read: HOW ALI
... ...
If I could I would fly away from this life I hated

why do not belong to me.
I just wanted to be alone.
There was always someone who, however, did not respect my choice

and never leave me.
bade me to not feed my body
that, day after day, I saw die

like a leaf off the branch.
I was cold ... so cold.
Despite covering my body with blankets,
nothing would be able to reach the frost
inside me.
I saw my body that I hated
that slowly consumed me while my
I cried with no bones. I also
but not a common thirst, I thirst for love

feared that never arrive.
the mirror reflects what was left of me:
empty eyes, off a wounded dignity.
between the shoulder blades sharpened, what remained was to train
my soul to rest.
... Then someone noticed me.
It made me realize that life should be lived.
days of sun, rain, heat and cold. So
dust where I fall

I raised and I looked at life in the eye.
She was there waiting for me ...
has forgiven me and so I took over


This beautiful poem was written by one of our classmates who will participate in a competition and as is also a very important issue especially for girls, we wanted to write it.


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