Friday, March 4, 2011

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TV entertainment or trash TV? DEAD WHITE

La televisione italiana pullula di programmi spazzatura: da fiction demenziali, a real tv, a programmi strappalacrime. Eppure, benchè sia un dato di fatto, tale affermazione genera tra gli spettatori risentimento verso le critiche severe degli intellettuali. E, a difesa della propria libertà di scelta, il pubblico televisivo oppone un altro incontestabile dato di fatto: la maggioranza dei lavoratori italiani esce di casa al mattino presto e, dopo la fatica quotidiana nella lotta contro il traffico, giunge ad occupare la propria sedia in ufficio, per liberarla verso sera e conquistare stanca morta quella di casa. La televisione accompagna le ultime ore della giornata, o comunque quelle di relax, quando in famiglia si cerca di consumare un pasto in tranquillità e riposo. Esiste una netta differenza ,comunque, tra tv di svago e tv spazzatura.
Qual è infatti una major distinction between an art film and any film for television? (I refer to formal and non-content) is precisely the possibility for the viewer to decipher a code that is expressive in its greater complexity of evocative imagery and symbolic power of stimulating the immaginativa.Pertanto call a fiction entertainment program, but not a garbage program.

While there are many other programs that can be defined spazzatura.Qui is to demystify, to deceive, to return to an audience not very critical a false image of reality and insane. The tragedy is that a viewer with a low critical (mostly teenagers) is led to believe that this is the correct image of reality. And then it's not hard to believe that attention to the look should be the main occupation of our days, that women are to imitate those beautiful and sensuality is the only weapon to conquer the world. Let it be clear that what the topics are not critical, but the tendency to notice a subtle lower. Fashion becomes a social level, the foundation of identity and relationships with each other and, at the professional level, race-based insults and denigration of the opponent. Love is a farce between two strangers who play for love or Don Giovanni seduced the twenty-first century.


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