Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saving Bonds Interest From 1991


My arms ...

gradually became more and more read: HOW ALI
... ...
If I could I would fly away from this life I hated

why do not belong to me.
I just wanted to be alone.
There was always someone who, however, did not respect my choice

and never leave me.
bade me to not feed my body
that, day after day, I saw die

like a leaf off the branch.
I was cold ... so cold.
Despite covering my body with blankets,
nothing would be able to reach the frost
inside me.
I saw my body that I hated
that slowly consumed me while my
I cried with no bones. I also
but not a common thirst, I thirst for love

feared that never arrive.
the mirror reflects what was left of me:
empty eyes, off a wounded dignity.
between the shoulder blades sharpened, what remained was to train
my soul to rest.
... Then someone noticed me.
It made me realize that life should be lived.
days of sun, rain, heat and cold. So
dust where I fall

I raised and I looked at life in the eye.
She was there waiting for me ...
has forgiven me and so I took over


This beautiful poem was written by one of our classmates who will participate in a competition and as is also a very important issue especially for girls, we wanted to write it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Much Does An Ounce Of Truffles Cost


The Pope's Angelus: "Often the man prefers the power and money." Other times you buggers children. (Vistracaònpetto)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Building A Wooden Sunfish Sailboat


I do not give money but felictà awaiting the safe arrival is a great way to pass the time (G. Faletti, I kill)

Ow Do You Get Shingles?


The International Women's Day (commonly referred Women's Day) on March 8 used each year to commemorate the achievements and social, political and economic conditions of women, both discrimination and violence which they are yet declared in many parts of the world. In Italy this celebration was held for the first time in 1911: in 2011 it held its first centenary.

Negli anni del 1950, anni di guerra fredda e del ministero Scelba, distribuire in quel giorno la mimosa o diffondere Noi donne , il mensile dell'Unione Donne Italiane (UDI), divenne un gesto «atto a turbare l’ordine pubblico», mentre tenere un banchetto per strada diveniva «occupazione abusiva di suolo pubblico». Nel 1959 le parlamentari Pina Palumbo, Luisa Balboni e Giuliana Nenni presentarono una proposta di legge per rendere la giornata della donna una festa nazionale, ma l'iniziativa cadde nel vuoto.

L'8 marzo 1972 la manifestazione della festa della donna si tenne a Roma in piazza Campo de' Fiori : vi partecipò anche l'attrice americana Jane Fonda , che pronunciò un breve discorso di adesione, mentre un folto reparto di polizia era schierato intorno alla piazza nella quale poche decine di manifestanti inalberavano cartelli con scritte inconsuete e «scandalose»: «Legalizzazione dell' aborto », «Liberazione omosessuale », « Matrimonio = prostituzione legalizzata», e veniva fatto circolare un volantino che chiedeva che non fossero «lo Stato e la Chiesa ma la donna ad avere il diritto di amministrare l'intero processo della maternità». Quelle scritte sembrarono intollerabili, because the police charge, and batons dispersed the protesters.

The 1975 was designated as "International Year of Women" by the United Nations el ' March 8 women's organizations around the world just celebrated the International Day Women, with events honoring the advancement of women and recalled the need for continued vigilance to ensure that their equality was achieved and maintained in all aspects of civic life. From that year the United Nations also recognized in 8 March, the day dedicated to women.
Two years later, in December 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a "United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace" to be observed by member States on any day of ' year, in accordance with national and historical traditions of each state. By adopting this resolution, the Assembly recognized the role of women in peace efforts and recognized the urgent need to end discrimination and increase support for a full and equal participation of women in civil and social life of their country. ;

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Vivitar V2000 Camera Review


Offence of cruelty to animals
source: Italian Penal Code
Article 544-ter
Competence court sitting alone
prosecution office
Stop optional
Without no
penalty imprisonment from 3 months to 1 year or a fine of € 3,000 to 15,000. The penalty is increased by half in the event referred to in sub-paragraph 3 (ill-treatment that causes the death of the animal)

The animal abuse in criminal law, is the offense under Article. 544 - b of the Penal Code under which : 1. Whoever, without cruelty, causes an injury to an animal or subject it to torture or to conduct or toil or work unbearable for its ethological shall be punished with imprisonment from 3 months to 1 year or a fine ranging from 3,000 to 15,000 €. 2. The same penalty applies to anyone administering drugs to animals or prohibited, or subjects them to treatment that would harm the health of themselves. 3. The penalty is increased by half if the facts in the first paragraph follows the death of .

enforcement action which constitutes the crime can be complemented by different cases:
  • cause injury to subject an animal abuse or behavior or fatigue or work unbearable for its administration to an ethological
  • animal drugs or prohibited
  • subject an animal to treatment che procurino un danno per la sua salute.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Free New Arabic Christian Songs

TV entertainment or trash TV? DEAD WHITE

La televisione italiana pullula di programmi spazzatura: da fiction demenziali, a real tv, a programmi strappalacrime. Eppure, benchè sia un dato di fatto, tale affermazione genera tra gli spettatori risentimento verso le critiche severe degli intellettuali. E, a difesa della propria libertà di scelta, il pubblico televisivo oppone un altro incontestabile dato di fatto: la maggioranza dei lavoratori italiani esce di casa al mattino presto e, dopo la fatica quotidiana nella lotta contro il traffico, giunge ad occupare la propria sedia in ufficio, per liberarla verso sera e conquistare stanca morta quella di casa. La televisione accompagna le ultime ore della giornata, o comunque quelle di relax, quando in famiglia si cerca di consumare un pasto in tranquillità e riposo. Esiste una netta differenza ,comunque, tra tv di svago e tv spazzatura.
Qual è infatti una major distinction between an art film and any film for television? (I refer to formal and non-content) is precisely the possibility for the viewer to decipher a code that is expressive in its greater complexity of evocative imagery and symbolic power of stimulating the immaginativa.Pertanto call a fiction entertainment program, but not a garbage program.

While there are many other programs that can be defined spazzatura.Qui is to demystify, to deceive, to return to an audience not very critical a false image of reality and insane. The tragedy is that a viewer with a low critical (mostly teenagers) is led to believe that this is the correct image of reality. And then it's not hard to believe that attention to the look should be the main occupation of our days, that women are to imitate those beautiful and sensuality is the only weapon to conquer the world. Let it be clear that what the topics are not critical, but the tendency to notice a subtle lower. Fashion becomes a social level, the foundation of identity and relationships with each other and, at the professional level, race-based insults and denigration of the opponent. Love is a farce between two strangers who play for love or Don Giovanni seduced the twenty-first century.

Majestic Boat Pittsburgh

The term fallen labor are called the deaths accidents. These workers are often remembered with this term even in the streets and squares in Italy dedicated to them.
Within the Italian labor movement, starting from the sixties, it was spread the word of the murders work to indicate with clarity the direct responsibility of the production systems of the industrialized economies than the poor security conditions in the workplace, direct cause of thousands of deaths that occur each year worldwide, especially in the area construction, mining and steel sector.
In recent years, the press and within the labor movement, to define the phenomenon were also used terms white deaths and murders white, where "the use of" white "refers to ' absence of a hand directly responsible for the accident. "

The protective helmet as lifesaving

During the construction of a cable car struck a worker is with extreme violence by a bolt fell from a height of 28 m. Although seriously injured, the worker survives the accident with the helmet.

During the installation of a pole with a pin truss weighing 3 kg (photo 1) is released. After a fall of 28 meters to the head pin strikes a worker at that moment is at the foot of the base (photo 2). The impact was so violent that the pin penetrates into the shell of the helmet, creating a circular hole (picture 3 and 4). The victim reported serious head injuries and several fractures.
This episode demonstrates the importance of always wearing a helmet.

To prevent similar accidents:

The employer / senior management must:

  • perform a risk assessment on site and create a safety plan (including measures for cases of emergency)
  • train and educate staff on the technical work established
  • verify the safety and enforce them


  • should not stay in dangerous zone
  • must wear a helmet during all those jobs where there is a danger of falling objects or materials from
  • must set the pins so as to avoid falling

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bluetooth Pairing Blue Eye And Phone

Serate Marzo 2011 Tommy Vee

@ 4:03 Disc Square, St Columb al Lambro (MI)

05.03 @ Setai, Orio Al Serio (Bergamo)

@ 11:03 Berfi's, Verona

16.03 @ Sali & Tabacchi , Reggio Emilia

19:03 @ Peter Pan, Misano Adriatico (Riccione)