Monday, August 30, 2010

Newborn Excessive Flatulence

Ciao e fai sonni sereni

I write here, but does not change anything, do not read anymore.
I did not even realize that there are, more Russian than with the television on and you do not mess with you more when it comes to your room to turn it off, for example. One day I realize but I swear it does not matter. I really do not worry if you can, if you can. Never mind the fact that I lost the person I trusted and I trusted above all, no matter what I will miss him a pillar to lean on, and I had to be the stick in your old age.
are great now, and although I will miss you always I will manage it, you raised me too well because he can not. And "damn fat" do not harbor a grudge for the way you went, the worse it was for you, not for me. I'll try to pay attention also to the mother. I will not be the 'man of the house, comunque, tranquillo. Qui è rimasto tutto invariato in quel senso, siamo tutti uguali e non comanda nessuno, anche col rischio di non capirci niente. Non preoccupparti del fatto che io sia disoccupato, un lavoro lo troverò. Magari un giorno, lontanto eh, darò anche del lavoro alla mamma, le darò dei nipotini e come ti ho già detto in ospedale sarò un buon padre, o almeno mi impegnerò ad esserlo, a mettere in pratica quello che ho imparato da te. Tranquillo che posso farcela, anche se avrei preferito che vicino ai miei figli ci fosse soprattutto il loro grosso nonno. Ma gli parlerò di te, credimi.
Le altre cose poi te le ho già dette. Non serve ripeterti che spero che tu sia stato fiero di me, credo lo fossi. Lo so well that as a child I was a landslide, but sometimes it happens to everyone and you knew this well. One thing is certain: from now on I will make you even more proud of me, but hand me a difference: you did not want that ever weep, but to me it is natural in this case and even though I thought I had run out of tears, I see you cry yet every now and then. Not a bad thing to cry for losing you. In conclusion to be drawn
wanted to tell you to rest and peaceful dreams you need it. We doubt we'll meet again somewhere.
Rest in peace Dad, that you deserve.


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