Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pain Neutralization Copy

Tele2 ADSL / ADSL Vodafone Vodafone pay

Da anni attivava agli italiani servizi non richiesti o in modo difforme dagli accordi. Ora e' arrivata una sanzione piccola piccola da parte dell'Antitrust. La societa' in questione e' Tele2-Opitel, che da circa un anno e' stata acquistata dal colosso Vodafone. L'Antitrust l'ha condannata a 165 mila euro, un'inezia (1). Tele2 si e' sempre distinta per comportamenti poco rispettosi della volonta' degli utenti, sul nostro sito ci sono over two thousand records concerning him (2). We hoped that this disaster, the new owner would put a brake on Vodafone after the acquisition. Instead nothing, the decision of 'competition and the market' was made taking into account users' reports arrive until August last year. Besides, we had reported in February (3).

Vodafone and 'the operator that should counteract the dominance of Telecom Italy in the phone market. Unfortunately embraced methods very similar to those of the former monopolist. We doubt that this sanction after mignon can change the setting, which instead will 'an incentive to continue to deceive customers more' or less aware.

away []


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