Wednesday, December 31, 2008

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Checking account failed

It is 4 months that Google Adsense communicate with me only through automated messages, the verification of the current account has become an odyssey in the past but there were no problems
We have a test deposit credited to the following account on XX December 2008:
Over the next 10 days, check if the deposit is available on your account.
Account Holder Name: XX XXX
Account Nickname: XX XXX
*********************** 000X: BCITITXX However
, according to the bank, the transfer has been rejected for the following reason:
This store has been a technical error. We were unable to find the
your account.
Next steps:
1. Technical errors may occur for several reasons. Some of the main reasons are:
The current account has been closed recently.
This is an account in a currency other than local. Often we are not able to
make electronic payments (EFT) accounts in currencies other than your
country / territory.
This account does not accept EFT deposits.
Confirm with your bank che il vostro conto è attivo e in grado di ricevere depositi in
formato elettronico (EFT).
2. Se il vostro conto non può ricevere questi depositi, potete inserire i dati di un conto corrente
3. Se la vostra banca ritiene che il vostro conto possa accettare depositi EFT, contattate l'Assistenza
clienti AdSense. I nostri esperti vi aiuteranno a identificare i passaggi successivi.
Dopo email, forum, mailing-list qualche anima pia si è accorta ed ecco che ho visto la luce:

Gentile XXXX,

La ringraziamo per la sua pazienza. Ci siamo accorti che un errore nel nostro backend stava causando i problemi che ha avuto nella verifica del suo conto corrente. We now proceeded to restore the database and his bank account would now be verified. Check your account to see properly update its settings for payment.
Hallelujah, Happy New Year also to Google

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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Games magnetic

The scientific games are certainly the most curious and interesting games . Magnetic games in this category are the most incredible.

On the Internet we see many types of games and of different quality. Below we will discuss a list of the most important ones.

Levitron is a magnetic Spinning resting on a base, usually plastic or wood, levitates in the air for some time

Neodymium or Neocube
It is "simple" ball mettallo magnetic charge. Due to the nature Lort ridges and you can create new forms.

Play video

Geomag magnetic bars are of the type that can be used to build Lego structures or to create magnetic spins

See the video.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mcculloch Chainsaw Oil Feed

cu cu? Indoviva visitors

Ma mentre percorreva la breve distanza che li separava, Berlusconi ha approfittato della presenza di numerose persone della scorta e del cerimoniale per mettersi dietro il lampione. Poi, quando la Merkel ha raggiunto il punto previsto per l'incontro passando proprio accanto al lampione, e' sbucato fuori e, secondo alcuni li' vicino, avrebbe detto: ''Cu, cu'' .
via ansa

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tattoo Genitals Women

Comparative analysis of ADSL in Italy

È disponibile una nuova analisi comparativa delle adsl italiane.
Per maggiori informazioni fate riferimento al sito , se siete interessati alle offerte flat ecco qui la tabella comparativa .

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Problems with Vodafone Station

Succede infatti che a volte “si punta” in una maniera che non ancora mi era capitato di vedere: si vedono solo alcuni siti, mentre la maggioranza non sono raggiungibili, quasi fosse un problema dei loro server DNS … parlando con il call center succedono le solite cose - appena si va oltre le cause banali di disservizio non ci sono risposte utili per risolvere il problema.
Sembrerebbe che la migrazione di massa verso questo servizio che dovrebbe far convergere mobile, fisso e larga banda, abbia ancora qualche problema.

What Does Herpes Look Like

Beppe Grillo ci ricorda che:
Negli Stati Uniti la banda larga è ovunque, da noi è in Parlamento e 3.000 comuni sono senza ADSL .
Purtroppo è la triste realtà italiana, dove è difficile fare una comparazione tra le offerte adsl, ma anche tra i politici che vengono eletti

Free Blogger

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pain Neutralization Copy

Tele2 ADSL / ADSL Vodafone Vodafone pay

Da anni attivava agli italiani servizi non richiesti o in modo difforme dagli accordi. Ora e' arrivata una sanzione piccola piccola da parte dell'Antitrust. La societa' in questione e' Tele2-Opitel, che da circa un anno e' stata acquistata dal colosso Vodafone. L'Antitrust l'ha condannata a 165 mila euro, un'inezia (1). Tele2 si e' sempre distinta per comportamenti poco rispettosi della volonta' degli utenti, sul nostro sito ci sono over two thousand records concerning him (2). We hoped that this disaster, the new owner would put a brake on Vodafone after the acquisition. Instead nothing, the decision of 'competition and the market' was made taking into account users' reports arrive until August last year. Besides, we had reported in February (3).

Vodafone and 'the operator that should counteract the dominance of Telecom Italy in the phone market. Unfortunately embraced methods very similar to those of the former monopolist. We doubt that this sanction after mignon can change the setting, which instead will 'an incentive to continue to deceive customers more' or less aware.

away []

Saturday, November 1, 2008

How To Fix An Ironing Board Lever

active ADSL line ADSL illegally

I * Vodafone has launched a service that I would not have happily on your ass
* Vodafone has meant that we could not make and receive calls for several days and then spending money on making us celluar (which fortunately is not Vodafone) * NGI
passed me in automatically by a line with ADSL service to a voice without making me pay a premium
* Now that the telephone service and the numbers are back I do not have the ADSL
* To get back I'll have to pay the ADSL service activation.

Street: Andrea Boscolo

seems that some operators as Worst DSL and Vodafone continue to activate ADSL SODDING the rest of the world.

And it is that Vodafone Tele2 has taught bad manners?

Since Vodafone has bought Tele2 not convince me that much ... to speak to an operator must be losing a lot of time to the menu and press 6 - 8 - 2: (

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How To Wear Necktie Clip

The situation in Italy

The ADSL market is in continuous turmoil in Italy, recently there have been great news, Vodafone has dropped to equal standing in this important segment.

'nuff said, an interesting reference point may be this new comparative table.

lot of news, but the problems with 'adsl continue in many parts of Italy.