Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What To Cut Yourself W/

A volte.

A volte penso che mi manchi, a volte penso di parlare troppo quando non devo e di parlare sempre troppo poco, o dire le cose sbagliate quando I should say what I think. I had promised myself to be careful what I said since you came out of my life, to prove to be grown up, to show that strangely tried to do as you told me. I did but I'm not well, at least not always do the right thing. I need you to tell me something, give me some good advice to get out of this situation, but when I come to see you're never coming or simply do not answer me ever. You're busy, I understand and approve. I was the first to tell you to do your life, now you can, but with the new year, I realized that without your advice is hard. And 'even harder to think that your advice will not give me none. You mean, the others are trying, but it is not the same thing, I assure you. Reassuring that look, those right words that made me comfortable, no one has told me no, no more. I can, still, I go forward, sometimes accidentally, sometimes I just, I organize myself in short, like everyone else, but forgive me, sometimes I miss you and I need to talk to you. I do it in front of what is now your home, I hope you are listening from behind the door, and I do it here, where only a few fortunatante read and understand that they must not say anything, I do hope that you too can read and maybe one time or another, she can respond.
Well my life calls me again. Blues must end quickly, I have to start life anew, come tutti i giorni, come sempre d'ora in poi.
Mi raccomando se ti riesce chiama, una volta, una volta sola, per dirmi che andrà tutto bene, che ce la farò. Dopo questo momento di egoismo poi torno a dirti che anche se non chiamerai mai di non dimenticarti di riposare tranquillo e fare sogni sereni.


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