Monday, September 21, 2009

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Replica of workers to the article published in La Stampa on 19/09/2009

In the article published on Saturday, September 19, 2009 in "La Stampa", a chronicle of Novara on the situation of workers of IAL Piemonte Novara emphasize that, for the workers, it is the position of the CISL to be the more problematic, as represented by the union Colzani in Novara, as owner of IAL Piemonte until June 3, 2009, is responsible for the situation in which they are employed today. We note the position of the CGIL, but we do not accept in any way that the ICFTU. Strikes us that the opposite of declaring Colzani that responded to our RSA, which ruled out the possibility to pay the most dramatic situations. There are two possibilities: either the Secretary responds differently depending on the interlocutor or has changed his mind. If so, we are pleased and look forward to official communication.

Autoconvocate The assembly of workers of IAL Piemonte - Novara when

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Replica CGIL di Novara article published in La Stampa on 19/09/2009

The Chief Editor of La Stampa Novara

I write about the article published on the pages of La Stampa Novara Saturday, September 19 with the title "IAL employees without pay. ..." A signature Cottavoz Barbara.

I understand that because of space rather than page layout may force you to resize interviews and statements, but I think unjustifiable cuts that completely distort the meaning of statements and I ask you therefore to publish these few lines of integration article in question . In

in question was completely omitted the part of my statement the need to finally reach an agreement so that, even in our province, the provision of advances to all those workers who, exactly how employees IAL, find themselves in difficult situations and are forced to wait months to receive what is theirs due.

The Unions are confederations in the middle of their demands to reach an agreement to that effect for almost a year and found in speakers, unlike what occurred in many other provinces, an incomprehensible attitude dilazionatorio least. Returning

article in question seems clear that this omission reduces the trade union character of the reflection and may also give rise to interpretations of little or no sensitivity to situations of workers in difficulty, but that they deserve and have always been all the attention.

In this respect I now want to inform you that he met Friday morning with a delegation of these workers to discuss their condition and, in a more than positive, I have assumed, among others, the commitment to check the margins of intervention in support of most dramatic with the involvement of the City, obtaining immediate, by the Mayor, and today, by the Councillor to the budget, positive feedback and attention, which I hope will allow the most desperate situations to stand up to the formalization of an agreement on the advances that now, contrary to what we read in the article, there appears to be.

Stressing therefore the need for such an agreement, which allows to successfully meet all situations of exclusion and / or suspension from job, we will act in this way to start the meeting on the subject convened by the Province to September 30.

Secretary General Chamber of Labour of Novara

Joseph Azzi

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Article on La Stampa published on 19/09/2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

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PRESS RELEASE : CISL ... and will always be alone! Letter

The August 31 2009. as employees of IAL Piemonte Novara , we sent a letter to the provincial secretary of the CGIL and CISL to remember what was our current situation, with particular reference to lost earnings in recent months, and asking the union to intervene economically to take care of the most dramatic situations in the payment of pending layoffs or salary. In short, we asked the opportunity to receive small loans for workers with difficulties in paying the mortgage payments or to get to the end of the month, with prayers to give us a reply within 10 September.

The secretary of the CGIL, Joseph Azzi, we replied that, while I understand our situation, can not give us yes for two reasons: lack of funds for this type of situation and the need to not create a precedent under the which then have to answer yes to all similar requests.

The secretary of the CISL, Colzani Carlo, which we had to solicit a response, announced to our RSA CISL that the categories are not willing to dedicate resources to this situation.

Noting the responses of the unions, the absence of political solutions (beyond the press releases) we decided to establish a common fund to tackle the most serious cases and to share the cost of this on ' example of the SOMS (workers' mutual aid society) of the nineteenth century. We are forced, against our will, to go back 150 years.

On the one hand, we know that, "technically," our request is not legitimate in the sense that the unions are not having to anticipate layoffs or having to make loans, and second, however, can not understand the attitude CISL Piedmont, who, having been responsible for the crisis IAL CISL Piemonte with the appointment of administrators (who should have and could control and direct), which created a debt of about EUR 15 million (bringing failure to the firm), he abandons to their fate cynically workers, whose present condition is responsible.

To add insult to injury, scopriamo con enorme stupore (grazie a una comunicazione del commissario straordinario alle RSA) che, senza alcuna vergogna, l’USR Cisl Piemonte, insieme con Ial Cisl Nazionale, si candida all’acquisto di Ial Cisl Piemonte in amministrazione straordinaria .

Tutto questo รจ coerente con i valori professati dalla Cisl?

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councilor Pentenero workers Ial