Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Western Themed Wording

Libero Absolute ADSL

Milano - Si chiama Libero Absolute ADSL la nuova offerta double-play lanciata da Infostrada che offre traffico telefonico e navigazione Internet "senza limiti" promettendo agli utenti di far loro risparmiare quanto dovuto a titolo di canone Telecom Italia.

Libero Absolute ADSL offre navigazione on the Internet at speeds up to 4 Mbps download and 256 Kbps upload, unlimited time and traffic. Sales to new customers who subscribe before November 30, 2006 will offer a discounted flat fee: the monthly fee for them will in fact be of 24.95 euro, 29.95 against the euro of extra-ordinary promotion fee applied to those who Infostrada free account or already have (the promotion could be extended to the end of December, as the press release disseminated by the end of talks on 31 December 2006).

The offer also includes three 250-MB mailbox with antispam and antivirus, 150 MB of web space, unlimited blog space. On request you can have a suite of security F-Secure (Two euro / month) and 2 GB of space for the inbox (2.5 € / month).

Infostrada has also launched Libero Absolute Mega ADSL, which offers unlimited Internet at speeds up to 12 Mbps at a cost of € 34.95 per month. For both plans, the company matched the tariff offer of voice, with only the cost of national calls charged to answer, which is equal to 12 euro cents. To mobile phones, however, there is a uniform tariff (regardless of time zones) from 21 euro cents per minute plus the connection fee of 15 cents.

are offering savings, as mentioned above, the amount of the fee as scheduled Telecom born to those who are able to connect directly (ULL) network Infostrada. But as the company explains, "if it is not possible to immediately link the network Infostrada, are entitled to reimbursement of the fee Telecom Italy, still due, directly into the phone bill Infostrada. In this case, the customer is then asked to pay € 10.38 (instead of 24.95) per month. If, finally, the carrier said, would not be possible to link the network Infostrada, the speed will be temporarily Mega 2.

source: punto.informatico.it


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