Monday, December 12, 2005

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Beppe Grillo a Torino per NO TAV

No anti-Tav demonstration on Saturday in Turin, but a great happening outside: the municipalities have agreed to the Susa Valley and mountain communities, working to organize a "cultural event" at the park Pellerina the outskirts of the city. One initiative, which should participate in Dario For, Beppe Grillo, Marco Paolini, taken because - as explained by the chairman of the Lower Susa Valley mountain community - "in the presence of a confrontation like that we got to Rome, you do not take to the streets ". But the committee "No Tav" of the Susa Valley do not give up: they have decided to do ugualmente il corteo sabato prossimo a Torino. Una scelta raggiunta dopo circa tre ore (dalle ore 18) di dibattito nella sala consiliare del municipio di Bussoleno. Partenza prevista: tra le ore 14 e le 15 dal piazzale davanti alla stazione ferroviaria di Porta Susa con direzione la Pellerina, dove è previsto, alle ore 18, lo spettacolo culturale che i sindaci e le comunità montane della Valle stanno organizzando. "Se la marcia sarà autorizzata regolarmente alcuni sindaci della Valle accederanno alla Pellerina con il corteo", fa sapere il primo cittadino di Bussoleno, Giuseppe Johannas, che ha seguito la riunione dei comitati come il sindaco di Borgone, Simona Pognant.

A preoccupare gli enti Local Susa and Turin on the outcome of the event, are the disorders that may result from participation in the parade of anarcho-insurgent group. "If the event goes well - said Ferrentino - do not add anything to our movement, if it goes wrong, it hurt."
As the agreement reached at the Palazzo Chigi, the president of the Community has spoken of "a good starting point" to which he added, "to make some changes, our movement has grown so much that now, in a few hours, we are able to take to the streets and fifty thousand people, it takes a few phone calls and some sms. The government must take this fact into account. "

Emergency Tav is one of the arguments that the Turin City Council will address this evening. In discussion, there is just the next big event on Saturday, already rejected by the Susa Valley. The Mayor Sergio Chiamparino will of "communications" to the assembly, while there is also voting on an agenda topic. The program of the event included a procession, starting from the Porta Susa train station should have been along the streets of the center.

Pending the decisions of the Town Hall, on the front continue the judicial investigation of the Prosecutor of Turin on violence that occurred during the event Venaus 8 December, when the construction site of High Speed \u200b\u200bwas occupied by protesters. About thirty people identified, the Turin magistrates are now viewing photos and videos of the protest to establish responsibilities.



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