Saturday, December 17, 2005
Vera Bradleylancaster, Pa
Dopo l’eclatante eliminazione di Sylvie Lubamba (che ha rivelato di non essere lei la tramatrice) arriva la bella e prosperosa Chorleau, nota al pubblico televisivo come Bambola Ramona, uno dei personaggi rivelazione di "Cronache Marziane". This unexpected raid was well designed to disturb the psyche of the participants and the fantasies of some Kenyan passing . And 'the latest attempt to lure the public, especially the male by the makers of reality. Guys who say the will to fight and dance in the mud there too?
Thursday, December 15, 2005
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We're almost there, Christmas is coming, how many things for granted! I personally do not celebrate a few more years, and I do not receive more gifts as the ephemeral exchange of gifts between relatives has been gradually diminishing.
The exchange of panettone and pandoro was not bad, a classic recipe for not going to find people to mani vuote, peccato che gira e rigira alla fine delle feste arrivavano tutti a me e arrivavo a mangiarli fino a Pasqua dell'anno dopo.
Per spendere bene bisogna comprare qualcosa di utile, vero! Quindi lasciate perdere l'oro, le pietre preziose(diamanti, smeraldi ecc..), buttatevi su gli ultimi gingilli tecnologici: computer portatili, stampanti, videocamere, fotocamere,.. la spesa sarà un po' più elevata ma avrete sicuramente dei risparmi in seguito.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
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No anti-Tav demonstration on Saturday in Turin, but a great happening outside: the municipalities have agreed to the Susa Valley and mountain communities, working to organize a "cultural event" at the park Pellerina the outskirts of the city. One initiative, which should participate in Dario For, Beppe Grillo, Marco Paolini, taken because - as explained by the chairman of the Lower Susa Valley mountain community - "in the presence of a confrontation like that we got to Rome, you do not take to the streets ". But the committee "No Tav" of the Susa Valley do not give up: they have decided to do ugualmente il corteo sabato prossimo a Torino. Una scelta raggiunta dopo circa tre ore (dalle ore 18) di dibattito nella sala consiliare del municipio di Bussoleno. Partenza prevista: tra le ore 14 e le 15 dal piazzale davanti alla stazione ferroviaria di Porta Susa con direzione la Pellerina, dove è previsto, alle ore 18, lo spettacolo culturale che i sindaci e le comunità montane della Valle stanno organizzando. "Se la marcia sarà autorizzata regolarmente alcuni sindaci della Valle accederanno alla Pellerina con il corteo", fa sapere il primo cittadino di Bussoleno, Giuseppe Johannas, che ha seguito la riunione dei comitati come il sindaco di Borgone, Simona Pognant.
A preoccupare gli enti Local Susa and Turin on the outcome of the event, are the disorders that may result from participation in the parade of anarcho-insurgent group. "If the event goes well - said Ferrentino - do not add anything to our movement, if it goes wrong, it hurt."
As the agreement reached at the Palazzo Chigi, the president of the Community has spoken of "a good starting point" to which he added, "to make some changes, our movement has grown so much that now, in a few hours, we are able to take to the streets and fifty thousand people, it takes a few phone calls and some sms. The government must take this fact into account. "
Emergency Tav is one of the arguments that the Turin City Council will address this evening. In discussion, there is just the next big event on Saturday, already rejected by the Susa Valley. The Mayor Sergio Chiamparino will of "communications" to the assembly, while there is also voting on an agenda topic. The program of the event included a procession, starting from the Porta Susa train station should have been along the streets of the center.
Pending the decisions of the Town Hall, on the front continue the judicial investigation of the Prosecutor of Turin on violence that occurred during the event Venaus 8 December, when the construction site of High Speed \u200b\u200bwas occupied by protesters. About thirty people identified, the Turin magistrates are now viewing photos and videos of the protest to establish responsibilities.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
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According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, baptism is the means "whereby one is freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, we become members of Christ, it is incorporated into the Church and made sharers its mission ". As a child a few days can be made to share the mission of the Church is, of course, a mystery of faith.
should be recalled that baptism is a rite alien to the Gospel narrative: the only step explicit (Matt. 28:19) is often regarded by scholars as manipulation back, while Jesus, though baptized by John, personally named nobody , nor is ever the apostles were baptized.
Why does the Church baptize infants?
Jesus decided to be baptized only when he turned thirty.
the dawn of Christianity il battesimo veniva impartito agli adulti.
Successivamente, con l’affermarsi della nuova religione, il rito venne gradatamente anticipato anche in seguito all’elaborazione teologica del peccato originale, tuttora in vigore.
Ancora oggi, infatti, la Chiesa ritiene che i bambini «nascono con una natura umana decaduta e contaminata dal peccato originale» e hanno bisogno del battesimo «per essere liberati dal regno delle tenebre e trasferiti nel regno della libertà dei figli di dio» .
Se un neonato non ha la potestà legale di stipulare alcun atto, non si capisce a maggior ragione perché debba compiere, dopo pochi giorni di vita, una scelta that could get - from a religious point of view - access to paradise. The obvious absurdity of what has driven most of the churches to establish confirmation, or confirmation in adulthood of the "supposed" will of the child to be involved. The Catholic Church has, however, in this case, outwitting, anticipating the progressive age of Confirmation, which today is administered to ten years.
Speaking of forced baptisms taught to Jewish children .
The code of canon law, the canon 868, establishes this assurda norma: «il bambino di genitori cattolici e persino di non cattolici, in pericolo di morte è battezzato lecitamente anche contro la volontà dei genitori» !
Qualora si verificasse, i genitori dello sfortunato bambino potrebbero denunciare il battezzante per violazione dell’art. 30 della Costituzione.
Ricordiamo che tale articolo stabilisce che «è dovere e diritto dei genitori mantenere, istruire ed educare i propri figli» . Attenzione, però: «istruire» non significa affatto «imporre». Insegnare ai propri figli la verità della religione cattolica non deve quindi avere come automatica conseguenza l’adesione vita natural during the Catholic Church, as well as to teach their children the game of chess does not require lifetime registration at the chess club.
The ruling of the Constitutional Court No 239/84 also found that adherence to any religious community should be based on the will of the person: difficult, in our view, this will find a child in a few days.
Finally, according to the law 675/96, religious affiliation is considered sensitive data, just as union membership and political life and sexual health. Therefore it is not clear why, if the law prevents ai genitori di iscrivere i propri figli ad un sindacato, ad un partito, ad un’associazione gay, non debba conseguentemente impedire l’adesione ad una organizzazione religiosa.
Non certo per fare un contro-rito vendicativo: nessuna associazione laica lo riterrebbe una cosa seria.
Ci sono invece motivazioni ben più importanti:
- per coerenza: se non si è più cattolici non vi è alcuna ragione per essere considerati ancora tali da chi non si ritiene più degni della propria stima;
- per mandare un chiaro segnale a tutti i livelli della gerarchia ecclesiastica;
- a question of democracy: too often the Catholic clergy, convinced to turn to the entire population of his parish, "invade" the lives of others (think of the blessings of Christmas, or more simply the noise of the bells). This creates a sort of theocratic imposition "and spreads the belief that we need baptism, confirmation, confession and get married in church to avoid being discriminated against in their community. Tear down this wall is a crucial battle to live in a truly free society and secular.
- to reclaim their identity in important passages of his life. Catholics no longer results in exclusion dai sacramenti, l’esclusione dall’incarico di padrino per battesimo e cresima, la necessità di una licenza per l’ammissione al matrimonio (misto), la privazione delle esequie ecclesiastiche in mancanza di segni di ripensamento da parte dell’interessato. Significa quindi non dover sottostare alle richieste del proprio futuro coniuge di voler soddisfare la parentela con un rito in chiesa, non vedersi rifilare una estrema unzione (magari mentre si è immobilizzati), e avere la sicurezza che i propri eredi non effetturanno una cerimonia funebre in contrasto con i proprî orientamenti.
- il catechismo della Chiesa cattolica ricorda (n. 1267 e 1269) che il battesimo «incorpora alla Chiesa» and "the person baptized belongs no longer to himself [...] so it is called [...] to be" obedient "and" obedient "to the leaders of the Church" . If they are not, the church authorities are legally authorized to "call" publicly baptized. In 1958 the Bishop of Prato called "public sinners and concubines" a couple of baptized married civilly. The couple suffered serious economic damage, sued the bishop and the lost: they are still officially Catholic, continued to be subjected to his authority. Each bishop can therefore safely afford derogatory utterances against of the baptized, why risk it?
L 'Association for the Sbattezzo born in the 80s right on these issues, which leads through the anti-clerical organization of meetings, awareness campaigns and publications. Her credit for having raised the issue in Italy: through this association matches the first letter to the Italian parishes. The module has on its site, however, has no legal value, without reference to any law of the Italian State. Today the word "sbattezzo is joined dictionaries.
In 1995 the Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics has launched a campaign to "clean-statistics" of the baptized. After reviewing the smoky and evasive answers to requests for cancellation received by the priests (the few times they deigned to answer), he preferred to move the debate in the courts.
identified through an ad hoc member, has undertaken an appeal to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (Stefano Rodota), requesting to intervene in the parishes refractory to the cancellation of baptism.
the success of the LEGAL UAAR
In September 1999 the Guarantor for the protection of personal data has given a decision on the socio UAAR.
According to the Guarantor can not erase the baptism, as documented in an episode actually happened: In addition, in this case, the double name of the foreign religious organization and allows the Church to enjoy the privileges that other religions do not have .
However, it is possible for anyone who desires to record its desire to no longer belongs to the Catholic Church. This is an important recognition, with which for the first time Italian case law establishes a method for obtaining a basic civil right, that was no longer considered "children of the church."
The statement of the Guarantor. The Catholic
confusion must have been substantial, if even one member considered "enlightened" as Don Zega, from the first page of the "Print" of September 29, 1999, and could confuse UAAR Association for the Sbattezzo, then tried to throw the whole each other on the collegiate.
As a practical consequence, however, the EU initiative has forced the Italian Episcopal Conference to issue already October 20, 1999 a general decree on the subject.
L’UAAR, incassato il parziale successo, ha comunque deciso di ricorrere al tribunale di Padova, che ha in sostanza confermato quanto statuito da Rodotà, sancendo però che «è lo Stato che si riserva il potere di verificare se sussistano i presupposti per escludere il proprio intervento con riguardo agli atti dell’autorità ecclesiastica» .
Nel novembre 2002 la Conferenza dei vescovi italiani, riunita in assemblea plenaria, ha dovuto confermare la legittimità delle richieste formulate col modulo UAAR.
- se si conosce la chiesa presso la quale has been baptized, you simply write a letter to the parish with which he recorded the calls for his unwillingness to most part of the Catholic Church.
- if you do not know (as well give it a try connecting to ), send a message to to examine the possibility of sending a request to the bishop.
You need not provide any reasons. We have a sample letter , you can download in *. RTF ; is also available in *. PDF .
Council a recommendation with receipt: essential to request confirmation of entry and a photocopy of identity card. It is not necessary to send further communications received to the other sacraments (communion, confirmation, etc.), or the abandonment of the Catholic Church concordat may invalidate the marriage contract.
If obstacles are placed in the way, we ask everyone to report it to to get advice on the subject. The campaign launched by the EU has in fact caused quite a consternation in the Catholic hierarchy. The magazine of the priests Pastoral Life of Bishop in July 2002. Battaglino, while recognizing as "entirely legitimate request made in writing by the person entitled to make a note in the margin of baptism as an integral part of it occurred on the refusal of membership of the Catholic Church and to require the holder of the records of the written communication 'took note' , came to argue that 'still missing and the regulation, promised but not yet established, these provisions, it is suggested to acknowledge receipt of the request by notifying the subject to make it operational as soon as possible ". An arbitrary position, and not legally sustainable.
remember that - for lack of response from parte della parrocchia - è possibile presentare ricorso al Garante per la protezione dei dati personali: alcuni soci UAAR hanno già avuto soddisfazione proprio in virtù di un intervento del Garante stesso ( estratto della Relazione sull’attività 2002 presentata dal Garante). Il 13 luglio 2003 il quotidiano La Repubblica ha pubblicato con grande rilievo l’articolo «La mia lunga battaglia per essere sbattezzato» a firma di Jenner Meletti, sulla storia di una richiesta formulata da un socio UAAR e sulla sua vittoriosa lotta contro il parroco che non voleva provvedere all’annotazione.
Il Vicariato di Roma aveva preso l’abitudine di contattare i richiedenti To confirm the request during an interview. This interview is not absolutely necessary for the success of the request, as set out once again the Privacy in November 2003 ( extract Report 2003 presented by the Guarantor).
An example of annotation on a baptismal certificate . Some sites have published letters from pastors confirming the "sbattezzo" (eg Calogero ) or evidence of some "sbattezzati" (eg Briblio ).
In recent years, people who have "sbattezzati" are been thousands. On this subject was also written a thesis (by Andrea Albertazzi).
The problem of "sbattezzo" is not just Italian: launched in Belgium a few decades ago by Alternative Libertaire , has attracted public attention, particularly in France .
Here the law has sanctioned both the right to cancel, and the duty to provide evidence of ecclesiastical entity itself: the bishops of Carcassonne Mende and risked heavy sentences for failure in time (updates the campaign of "sbattezzo" in France: Europe et laïcité ; Vivre au Présent ).
In Germany things are even simpler: a law of 1919 requires the religions of "counting" their members according to the will of its own faithful to pay a sum ranging between 8 and 10 percent of its tax. If you do not want to pay this tax will be automatically logged out of the church and stop the effects of baptism, and if you are baptized you are instead forced to pay taxes to the Church. The official declaration of exit from the church has made since coming of age (ie at age fourteen, with regard to religious affiliation).
The "sbattezzo" in Germany, Austria and Switzerland .