Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quality Of Konus Spotting Scopes

Siamo a uno

Hello, I am writing now because tomorrow may not have the time. I leave for the Italian championships in archery. I'll try not to be the usual Crock, as you told me about you, but do not guarantee anything.
is a month that we do not see, at least you do not see me directly, I come every so often to see you. Not often I do not like, as I do not like to talk with wood or marble, I do not ever meet I go out and depressed or angry, depending on how it runs. Anyway come and speak, the problem is that you do not answer, as you said when you tried to talk to her grandmother. I miss you know, I miss your advice, but now I'm getting used to. I get along here, although occasionally I turn and look for you, to catch one of your facial expression or to ask what to do, because I think you're behind me. Then I realize that there are and then go out of my head. I do what I can, as I said before, but believe me when I say that I feel pain when it happens, let that go then, of course, but there to fuck them if it hurts.
Mother responded well, better than I thought. We were fighting just once but we solved immediately. You have some nice planting seeds, and it came out of sturdy trees. Certainly it is a bit 'unlucky: first toxo and now the fever ... if we look at these things and you know, a little addrizza' aim that the minimum of "peace" does not hurt! If you do not look, well, just ignore it, just like I did not say \\ write anything, it's just that you do your life, rest and sleep face serene. We both love you anyway!
The Vale was great, gave the last three years with an excellent examination of the vote and passed the entry test to the specialist in those names right up there in the north inpronunciabili and not easy to remember what ... non toglie che sia stata brava! E' una bravissima ragazza (dura come un mulo, e di quelli duri, ma brava) e avevi ragione a volerle bene, ad esserti affezzionato, ora ne sono più convinto che mai...certo sta storia che vuole (in futuro molto lontano) due gemelle, femmine (!), mi rompe un po'. Come si fa a crescere due gemelle?? fino a che età le puoi tenere segregate in casa senza che ti denuncino per rapimento?? Sono tutte cose che un buon genitore dovrebbe sapere! E io non ho più chi mi faceva da tramite. Beh cercherò un buon avvocato, ma non penso più a non avere figli come ti dicevo un po' mesi fa. Ti dicevo che era un mondo difficile, duro e pericoloso e che senza un lavoro stabile era difficile crescere un figlio. Well there I thought, a grandchild I would give it to you, come at the cost of where you are now, with his newborn, but I would give it to you this satisfaction. I will run the risk, but I want someone to teach what I know, what I have taught you. And have a wonderful grandmother, a great mother and me, that goes well, will not be the best but it's better than nothing. In this picture is missing just a grandfather, but I am convinced that you'll be close enough.
Jumping Stake in bush, fuck if your machine has cheated you consume ... well eh! but I told you to take a diesel dick and go somewhere else! And do not miss so much! I have to change Christ (on the one hand I am happy because what I saw mi piace un sacco)! Non ti incazzare ma non riesco a mantenere una gora del genere, o mangio o ci metto la benzina, e visto che tu non sei qui a consigliarmi faccio di testa mia e scelgo di mangiare!
Il tuo ufficio in compenso sta andando a rotoli. La tua collega fa quello che ha sempre fatto ( leggi un cazzo) e l'altro, oltre a fare quello che ha sempre fatto ( leggi parentesi prima) non capisce una benemerita sega (del resto da un fascista non è che possono nascere le ciliege, al massimo le ortiche!). Io ho chiesto a fatto chiedere per il tuo posto ma non c'è verso. Mi piacerebbe seguire la tua strada, fare quello che facevi tu, continuare sui tuoi passi! Tornado all'ufficio beh la mamma dice che dobbiamo essere contenti che vada bad because at least now realize how important you were and you do not have recognized what they had because they are mongoloid. He says that maybe now they will realize. For me it works just as well ... to me that you recognize, after, what was obvious before, I could care less. I would rather not tell you here, now I have resigned to 'idea that you're gone (of course now my aunt opened the door and did not know he had the key and I am turned towards the door, and after thinking "who the fuck? "I thought you were going out the door and a little 'I was happy, then I realized that I am a fool and I pretended nothing) but you had just done your job, minimum, that I had done all your holiday and that you had enjoyed life more. But I am proud to say that my father was an honest man, who worked honestly and professionally and that he could afford to say what I thought and I think we all know why and when I meet your colleagues or your superiors well There is more silence full of respect around me that during a mass.
Finally, I close and then, today I had a job interview, they made me do a test, I had amazing results, above average, a hidden genius (not even think we knew it). No, no, I laughed when I told the Director of Personnel. Unfazed, a pillar of salt. I cursed when I said that would not have taken blame for the crisis, but I keep a small light of hope. He said if something pops up they call me. There tenenvo to tell you, because I hope to give you that satisfaction that you were missing, to see me settled, let's move on, and believe me, I'd love to potertela!
I've updated a bit ', now I go to bed too late, if you were here you'd be pissed too, so we obey.
See you tomorrow. Take care, and as I always say: Hello, and make peaceful sleep.