Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Incase Nylon Backpack


Today first interview for a job, nothing special, a stage, but meanwhile it is an opportunity not to stay home and take two pennies. The interview is at a temp agency in Viareggio. So good to be unemployed armed party of a smile and good will from my little village in the mountains. I pop in a car 100 km and 1 km walk I do because (the) agency's genius did not tell me neither the way nor the number of headquarters. I (genius squared) I looked on the internet address and not the number so the navigator took me to a number of the street while my number is 600! With more than 30 degrees in the shade arrival Agency sweaty and pissed off when I left the door and affaciatomi temporary agency I see through the glass! Now I think: "she is! she's the one that I look! He said his name is Alex and she of course! It could not have so go! University was with me, I remember, was fuoricorso, the called plaque, I know that I should speak with an imbecile cocksucker! Why not just the bad luck of being unemployed, we also need to have that dealing with an idiot "Thought this (and pulled down at least 10 thousand candles stratospheric size) within, we present (tag does not remember me) and start the interview. She tells me to bring a date curriculum virtually tomorrow and I do. The End and I do not want to blaspheme. After 2 minutes of conversation the phone rings, is a customer. She speaks quietly with him and I quietly respect. She asked me kindly andarmi down, I also said that we continued our conversation as she finished to do something urgent for that customer. And I'm going to kindly sit back. She gently reminds me to sit back and I gently. We begin our discussion and as long as I speak okay. Then she asks a question (what should a business do you think?), I understand and answer (in short selling a product), she understands and corrects me and I start to deteriorate a little bit. But now I have become a riflessivo e ci passo sopra perchè ricordo che le mie sorti sono in mano a una che chiamavamo placca e mi sembra una sfortuna sufficiente, una denuncia er aggressione potrebbe rovinarmi la giornata.
Il colloquio quindi va avanti e chiedo per che azienda dovrei andare a lavorare. Lei mi dice che non può dirlo e io mi incazzo sul serio. Sto per fare una sparata del tipo "Apri bene le orecchie brutta zoccola bocchinara di bassa lega, e si ho detto orecchie non figa, mi sono appena fatto 100 km con un cv in mano, che non vuoi manco, è sudato lui figurati io, ho 2, dico 2, laureee come te, solo che io non sono finito fuoricorso e non sono passato dal vecchio al nuovo ordinamento, ho lavorato come responsabile di filiale e non ho il diritto di sapere if you could go to work? So what the fuck I made them for 100 km? I'm not stupid and minor child of your butcher, you piece of lunatic! Merit at least an explanation as to why you can not tell me the name of a company you think of shit? ". But then I remember that some scenes from" she does not know who I am! "are not my style but I stop and turn back to smile.
The interview comes to an end, or at least I think so. Plate has a few more arrows in his quiver. Now to summarize for clarity and will use the abbreviations P-plate \\ Alessandra, I for myself and my thoughts for the EP, a bit 'like in a cartoon: P
: "what kind of job you want?" I "took a job as a"
P "type?" I: explain the various possibilities of my interests.
P "also assess stage?" I "," (Pe: I have called for an internship is 'a little' you!).
P "stages but I prefer them without the purpose of recruitment or recruitment opportunities." I: silence ... I look around and I (Pe, but that fucking question is that? Who she is:

now I look around and see if there is a mirror, so check if they are just dead . No, wait, I touch and see if there are! You are there. I can answer) I
"well they would prefer targeted recruitment, CCchiaramente"
P "Ah, this is not intended to recruitment! Are you interested in the same ?
I "could well fit the same but looks a decision which is not only my "
P" eh! but meanwhile we are we probe your availability "
(Pe: eh but fuck you think I made them do 100 km, to talk to you? It will be because they are not interested? Look at the questions and blowjobs are two different things: a need to turn the brain and then open his mouth to the other you must first open your mouth and you can leave off the brain)
P "will take the stage duration of 5 or 6 months "I" are 5 or 6 months exactly? "P" eh 5 or 6 months. "(eg: look stupid but you do not make any difference that you understand and are okay now resigned) P "to defray the expenses of 500 € 0600" I "EH, I am 500 0600 €, not to know! Also there are other benefits? "P" no no other benefits are only 5 or € 600 per month "I" 500 or 600? "P" 5 or 600 €. "(For example, this makes a difference all right, but useless to insist that ricoda the called plaque, is silly and that's okay)
The interview ends with me that I have a face as black as pitch I feel pr got your ass and try to leave my CV as I took her down and I says that she needs because she has changed everything on the computer. plate extends his hand to me and tells me that will turn the company my resume and I will know if interested in an interview. I shake his hand (I have made my spent on the balls) and thank you greetings go out. Just off the temptation to choke back shouting something type "feel your God that you are about to arrive, if at least he's interesting" and I think that the mother of the idiot is always pregnant, but that in the case of plate a couple of days skipped them because it so stupid and it has made little effort a little 'break will be taken if she too, poor woman! After these thoughts back to my car swearing and from there back home, waiting for a call, Cover (sigh!).

Monday, June 21, 2010

Can You Hook Up An External Hard Drive To A Tv

Corruzione?Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza

Cardinal Sepe has been under investigation for corruption ... could happen to anybody at all ... oh god its not! Has never happened to me for example! Be because they are younger? Be because I did not do this ?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oster Breadmaker Banana Bread

ma perchè?

Christ that my blog can not no shit? What few curses? Via at least one-insulting comment! What should I write that Israelis are pieces of shit because they fire on a ship of peace and then arrest them well in spite of all the international condemnation? I thought it would serve not write it, I know ... or not?