Saturday, August 1, 2009

Debbie Travis Closet Organizer Installation


La Regione Piemonte , con un comunicato stampa del 29 July2009, announced the decision to "grant temporary accreditation body for its offices engaged in training, until the end of the special administration procedure.

This decision, welcomed as good news, spells, for now, the company insolvent and could ensure business continuity and continuity in training employees and pupils and students

The same press release stated, however, that the decision "could" permettere allo Ial Cisl di riavviare i corsi di formazione già a partire dal prossimo settembre. Il condizionale è dovuto ad alcune “prescrizioni” che Ial Cisl dovrà rispettare, pena la sospensione dell’accreditamento temporaneo.

Le prescrizioni sono:

· entro il prossimo 10 settembre 2009 dovranno concludersi tutte le verifiche sulle rendicontazioni relative agli anni formativi passati;

· entro novembre 2009, poi, dovrà essere presentato alla Regione un programma corporate reorganization, which shows the conditions necessary to enable the Region to issue new public funding for future training courses;

· requires the presentation of an offer to purchase, binding and suitably securities, corporate complexes IAL Piedmont by 10/09/2009.

for us to work these "requirements" are difficult to interpret. We do not know, that is, if IAL will be able to respect them all and if you can continue the training activity. It seems clear, however, che la Regione Piemonte stia esprimendo, anche in questo provvedimento, la necessità di una forte discontinuità con la gestione precedente, in quanto “le anomalie dei conti, relativi al pagamento di tasse e obblighi contributivi all’Inps, e la mancanza di requisiti di affidabilità economico-finanziaria, avevano costretto nei mesi scorsi la Regione a presentare un esposto alla Procura della Repubblica e alla Corte dei Conti per danno erariale”.

Rimangono valide pertanto (almeno fino al 10 settembre), tutte le preoccupazioni espresse dai lavoratori nella “lettera aperta alla comunità novarese”. Meanwhile

have not yet changed the conditions of workers as regards wages: after receiving notice of suspension in redundancy fund to zero hours and zero earnings until September 5, workers still do not receive back wages and do not know if it will be possible in advance of layoffs, as it is happening in other areas (eg city of Turin). At this point, the provincial councilor to work Oliviero Giuseppe Colombo, during a meeting with representatives of workers, announced that the provincial government is working so that we can advance Novara also for the workers, through an agreement with a bank, but not earlier than September.
The commissioner has also made available to assess any possible solutions as possible to preserve the social value produced by IAL Novara, when the extraordinary administration does not lead to a supply company. Should this occur, however, to date, there are concrete cases of solution that may agree with the time required by the announcements and the needs imposed by the training, particularly that relating to compulsory education.

Workers of IAL Piemonte - Arona Novara and venues