Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mount Blade 1.003 No Cd

Checking account failed

It is 4 months that Google Adsense communicate with me only through automated messages, the verification of the current account has become an odyssey in the past but there were no problems
We have a test deposit credited to the following account on XX December 2008:
Over the next 10 days, check if the deposit is available on your account.
Account Holder Name: XX XXX
Account Nickname: XX XXX
*********************** 000X: BCITITXX However
, according to the bank, the transfer has been rejected for the following reason:
This store has been a technical error. We were unable to find the
your account.
Next steps:
1. Technical errors may occur for several reasons. Some of the main reasons are:
The current account has been closed recently.
This is an account in a currency other than local. Often we are not able to
make electronic payments (EFT) accounts in currencies other than your
country / territory.
This account does not accept EFT deposits.
Confirm with your bank che il vostro conto è attivo e in grado di ricevere depositi in
formato elettronico (EFT).
2. Se il vostro conto non può ricevere questi depositi, potete inserire i dati di un conto corrente
3. Se la vostra banca ritiene che il vostro conto possa accettare depositi EFT, contattate l'Assistenza
clienti AdSense. I nostri esperti vi aiuteranno a identificare i passaggi successivi.
Dopo email, forum, mailing-list qualche anima pia si è accorta ed ecco che ho visto la luce:

Gentile XXXX,

La ringraziamo per la sua pazienza. Ci siamo accorti che un errore nel nostro backend stava causando i problemi che ha avuto nella verifica del suo conto corrente. We now proceeded to restore the database and his bank account would now be verified. Check your account to see properly update its settings for payment.
Hallelujah, Happy New Year also to Google

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Restaurants Like Dave Busters

Games magnetic

The scientific games are certainly the most curious and interesting games . Magnetic games in this category are the most incredible.

On the Internet we see many types of games and of different quality. Below we will discuss a list of the most important ones.

Levitron is a magnetic Spinning resting on a base, usually plastic or wood, levitates in the air for some time

Neodymium or Neocube
It is "simple" ball mettallo magnetic charge. Due to the nature Lort ridges and you can create new forms.

Play video

Geomag magnetic bars are of the type that can be used to build Lego structures or to create magnetic spins

See the video.